Thursday, October 17, 2019

Value of Outdoor Play in the Early Years Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Value of Outdoor Play in the Early Years - Essay Example ldren are spending a considerable amount of time in the settings that pay attention to the structured education as well as recreational activities and therefore leave very little time for the children to participate in the plays that are self-initiated. Outdoor play cultivates all the aspects of the development of the children and it develops a foundation of physical, social, emotional as well as intellectual skills that are needed for success in schools as well as in life. Play that is characterized by pretending encourages communication and therefore enhances skills that are needed in communication, role playing as well as perspective taking while developing the skills that are needed to solve problems which include persuading, compromising as well as cooperating (Mayesky, 2009, p. 128). Learning that takes place outside the classroom has the advantage of supporting the development of a lifestyle that can be perceived to be healthy since it gives children the chance to take part in physical activities which involve freedom and movement while encouraging a sense of wellbeing. It also allows them to have contact with the natural world while availing to them experiences, which are specific to the outdoors that may include exposure to the weather as well as different seasons. It also goes a long way in the development of skills that are needed for dealing with problems while developing a sense of creativity as well as opportunities that will enhance imag ination, ingenuity and

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