Friday, October 4, 2019

The 8 Cross - Cultural Curative Factors Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The 8 Cross - Cultural Curative Factors - Article Example The client will share the personal emotions faced due to negative self-thought, making it easier for the social worker to co-operate. The next step of â€Å"mastering† will involve the social worker changing the client’s perception of self by giving authentic examples of the client’s worth. This would mean the self-image of the client will change with the discussions. Lastly, â€Å"honoring† as the client will slowly accept his/her self-worth and feel good about it. The client will recognize the fallacy of negative self-worth and change towards positivity, eventually becoming productive and confident. In the case of Chicano clients, as they place special emphasis on familial bonding, the mastering and honoring step will involve the family making the client realize his/her worth. Since family holds unequaled importance, such words of appreciation will have a profound impact on the client, readily healing him/her from negative self-thought. If the motive of the social worker is grassroots organizing, the â€Å"hold† and â€Å"tell† stages of the intervention will be same. However, â€Å"mastering† would involve, along with perception changing discussions, the client’s interactions with like-minded individuals who have improved. â€Å"Honoring† would involve the client working with these groups to promote positivity. The client will be influenced by these groups, thereby not only achieving personal betterment, but also promoting such betterment. Also, as Chicano clients generally possess respect for spirituality and folk people, these groups promoting positivity should likely include religious priests and shamans (primitive natural healers). The inclusion of these people will not only make the group more effective, but also attract the Chicano clients to join and work with them in close

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