Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Restaurant Business in London Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Restaurant Business in London - Essay Example This discussion stresses that people in London are cash-rich and time-poor. On an average, people are not present at home or at work for four hours a day. The most prevalent leisure activity is eating out. The population of London has a high frequency of dining out. The love for eating out among the people of the city reflects in the ever increasing number of restaurants.From the study it is clear that the cosmopolitan city of London is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. More than one fourth of the city population was not born in UK. There is no hesitation in mixing with new culture or trying new food.   People love to explore abroad. Increasing number of people is reaching out to global holiday destinations. This exposure to other countries, new culture and food habits shows an effect on the restaurant menu cards and shop shelves.  The number of cuisines that the population of London love to feast on is thirty. This includes wide range of eating joints from the luxuries restaurants, coffee shops, fast food corners, budget restaurants to take away joints. It serves across all sections of the society. Needless to say, it is one of the top food destinations in the world.  Tourists have been coming to London from the various countries and enjoying the dining experience of all parts of the world.  Today London is particularly well known around the world as a food destination due to its diverse range of people and cultures.

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