Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Should Police Officers Be Use Racial Profiling - 999 Words

Should police officers be able to use racial profiling? While studying Criminology I have gained insight on different techniques used to determine which individuals commit the most crimes. There are three basic methods to measure criminal behavior. These include: Uniform Reporting of Crime, Self- Report and National Crime Victimization Survey. Uniform Reporting of Crime (URC) is a nationwide, cooperative statistical effort of more than 18,000 voluntarily individuals reporting data on crimes (â€Å"Federal Bureau of Investigation†1). Self-report surveys measure crime by distributing questionnaires to a sample of people, asking if they have committed any crimes during a period of time. National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is a national source that samples about 90,000 households in order to uncover unreported crime and describes the relationship between the victims and the offender (â€Å"Bureau of Justice Statistics† 1). The results The URC illustrates the racial minorities are more likely to be arrested compared to whites. African Americans represent 38% of inmates in federal prisons and 55% of those in state prison systems. Hispanics represent 28 % and 17 % of federal and state correctional populations, respectively (U.S. Department of Justice, 1999). The NCVS illustrates that African Americans account for 52 % of all personal victimizations, including 49% percent of all violent crimes. Additionally, Hispanics account for nearly 49% of all victimizations, including 43% ofShow MoreRelatedRacial Profiling Research Paper1049 Words   |  5 PagesRacial Profiling: Useful or Harmful? When enforcers of the law go about their jobs they use many techniques to decrease their suspect pools, one of the most controversial techniques officers use is racial profiling. People believe racial profiling causes police distrust and at the same time encourages â€Å"fishing expeditions†. 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Their argument is more biased towards the police force and they argue that it’s part of their job. â€Å" Racism and police brutalityRead MoreGood Cop Bad Cop : Racial Profiling1277 Words   |  6 Pagesof â€Å"racial† profiling began, it is believed that this is deeply rooted back into the times of segregation and slavery. Criminal profiling was all based on the criminal activities and who was involved. Although, it is more commonly seen now, it began to grow evermore so following the tragic events of September eleventh. It evolved and transitioned into racially motivated arrests, detaining’s, and questionings both justifiable and unjustifiable. In the book, Good Cop Bad Cop: Racial profiling and CompetingRead MorePolice Brutality1519 Words   |  7 Pagespeople have endured violence in many different ways. Today, police officers use deadly, excessive force that leads to inexcusable assaults, beatings and shootings. 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