Thursday, February 13, 2020

Empirical study about the causes and social and health related impact Research Proposal

Empirical study about the causes and social and health related impact of smoking habits of Individual - Research Proposal Example This essay stresses that in order to explore the research objectives and achieving the primary aim of the research work, mixed research methodology will be taken into account. In this mixed methodology, both quantitative and qualitative research approach will be undertaken. In this regard, two prime methods of data collection, namely secondary data collection method, and primary data collection method will be taken into consideration. In the research work, the secondary data will be collected with the help of literature review method. In this method, different crucial literatures such as, books, journal article, previous research papers and online articles will be taken into account for the purpose of reviewing and retrieving information. Different books, journal articles, and online articles have been studied for the purpose of exploring some crucial information regarding smoking and its causes as well as impacts. Thsi paper makes a conclusion that in addition to this primary data related with the research work will be collected with the help of survey through questionnaire methods. In this method, an intensive field survey will be conducted with 50 randomly selected smokers. In the survey, questionnaires will be distributed among participants, and on the basis of responses provided by them, their attitude and perception regarding smoking and its effects will be analyzed.

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