Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Social Status Essay - 930 Words

Social Status It’s Just Me Does anyone really have one specific class which they fit into? Different activities and things we do put us in many different classes. For example, if your in a prole class and you ride in a limo on prom night are you then considered to be in the middle- to high-class range? No, either you or your parents just thought it would be nice if you could take a limo instead of taking the family minivan. On the other hand, what if you are upper-class and you normally drive a McLaren F1, but it has to be put in the shop and you temporarily have to drive a Kia, does this drop you into a lower class? It shouldn’t. No one participates only in activities that fit into one specific social class. Through†¦show more content†¦The independence and supervision would probably put me into the high-prole class. Volunteering at Linwood Gardens Convalescent was something I had to do in the first place, but I began to like it so I continued to go. I assist in activities, transporting residents, reading to them, getting their drinks or whatever else they ask for. I am minimally supervised. The nurses and directors know that I know what the residents can do or have and what they cant do or have, so I have become very independent in the time I have been volunteering there. Again, with high amounts of independence, and minimal supervision this would put me into the high-prole range. I live in a two-story, three bedroom, two bathroom, house located in a nice neighborhood. It has a two car garage but with my Uncle constantly always building a new go-cart, there is no room to park the cars inside the garage. The grass is well kept and there are lots of flowers, chrysanthemums and pink geraniums, which puts me in high-prole. â€Å"There you will see primarily geraniums (red are lower than pink), poinsettias, and chr ysanthemums, and you will know instantly, without even attending to the quality of discourse, that you are looking at a high-prole setup.† (80) My motherShow MoreRelatedSocial Status And Social Class1188 Words   |  5 Pageslong enjoyable life is based on two factors: their social status and their social class. A social status is a person’s importance when it comes to other people. Social class is more directed towards ones finances or wealth. 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