Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Cost of Communication Security Issues - 558 Words

Cost of communication security issue Although mobilize workforce such as mobile phone or laptop computer giving an opportunity for company and employees to maximize recourses. Nerveless, it also exhibits a security risk that may cost a loss to the organization. At best, the organization could get the financial losses or data losses. At worst, the result for an organization may be lost productivities and negative publicity. The results for communication security issue will be discussed separate in the following section. a. Leaking information Leaking information through mobility and social network has become one of the most important damages to organization due to the leaking information by their employees. Employee’s irresponsible use of social media such as Facebook or twitter can cause damage of organization in terms of putting company’s networks under the risk of malware. The consequence for leaking information can be small as loss opportunity; also can be larger as organization’s security. For example, according to the news in 2010, â€Å"British Ministry of Defence staff has leaked secret information onto social-networking sites sixteen times in 18 months.† (Mansfield, 2010). The information leakage will both benefit the adversaries and detriment the organizations. Leaking information are not only for company, To make it worse, Facebook profiles are now available to be downloaded from torrent sites exposing more than 170 million users’ information globally (Paul, 2010).Show MoreRel atedThe Advantage of VPN Security and Design735 Words   |  3 Pagesorganization ensures security that non-authenticated user can intercept the encrypted data. This article will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages when VPN comes to its security and design to a higher level of secure communication when compared to other remote methods of communications, the cost to set up VPNs within an organization, and the scalability and flexibility in terms of growing with the company and adding new users to the network. The advantage of VPN security and design is thatRead MoreInformation Technology for Business1449 Words   |  6 Pagesbusiness to conduct commerce across the US and on a global scale (Munson, 2011). Office technologies have advanced and have allowed business to advance to a point of doing business with global customers, not just their own areas. It has created a communication standard that is faster and enables businesses to conduct business at faster levels than ever before. But with new technologies problems also arise that need to be addressed. Types of Information Technologies The most prominent example of informationRead MoreVulnerability and Threat Assessment of TVA Locations in North Alabama Region1075 Words   |  4 PagesLocations in North Alabama Region Vulnerability and Threat Assessment of TVA Locations in North Alabama Region Objective The objective of this work in writing is to choose three locations and to complete vulnerability and threat assessments of security in order of priority. The locations chosen for the assessment are those of Wheeler Dam and Wilson Dam in North Alabama and Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, also located in the North Alabama area. These facilities are all TVA facilities and as such areRead MoreA Brief Note On The Internal Revenue Service1153 Words   |  5 PagesThe Internal Revenue Service is trying to preserve and protect the availability, confidentiality, integrity, authentication, authorization and security controls of all employees and also the taxpayers. 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