Friday, September 27, 2019

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 19

Final - Essay Example The main aim of the imperialist policies in the British Empire was to assist in the acquisition of many foreign territories. These territories would therefore provide raw materials and the market for the British manufacturers. They also established trade monopolies that would ensure that their export exceeds imports. They believed this would provide foreign income to expand and maintain the empire. After successful wars with the French, Spanish and the Dutch in the seventeenth century, Britain was successful in acquiring most territories in the Caribbean, St Lawrence basin in Canada, parts of Africa for slavery acquisition and the coast of the North America. They developed interest in India and the British government took over the East India Company. Britains control extended to neighbors of India, including Burma and Afghanistan. After the end of the Napoleonic wars in1815, Britain became more powerful. At this time, they acquired Dutch South Africa but were challenged in India due to the eastern and southern expansion of the Russian empire. During this period, the traditional rivals of Britain had been diminished in power and size and so Britain remained the leading empire in Europe. However, the old mercantile empire weakened due to certain factors during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. Some of the factors were freeing in slaves held in another part of the empire and colonial associations for greater commercial and political independence. British Empire had several motives in penetration in India. The British investors ventured into certain parts of India in search of opportunities that had significant profits. British intellectuals, including Christian missionaries facilitated the movement that sought to bring western technological innovations and intellectuals to Indians. The Christian missionaries translated the bible

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